Henry Porter

If only we had more awareness about guns in America

While looking for an appropriate gif I stumbled across this.

Her brother though, what a bad-ass

Did anyone listen to the This American Life recently with a woman describing her life after her genitals were mutilated in childhood? It’s a devastating piece but just so well done. She talks about confronting her mother who had the procedure done to her daughter even though she had also gone through it. It’s so

I think some people are confused—Broadway’s Garry Marshall is a nickname I used for ALW. Garry Marshall did not weigh in on this feud.

Guy with a Masters in Special Education and 17 years working with children with severe autism here: 1. Fuck you DeNiro, you degenerate piece of garbage. 2. The causes of autism are widely accepted as a mess of disparate factors.....the age of the father, a heightened level of testosterone in the mother, genetics ( a

She is so unbelievably fake on that show that it totally turned me off her. Like got to the point where the camera would cut to her for judging and just the sound of her voice grated because I knew she was about to try to be cute, or say something ridiculously manufactured and try to pass it off as a genuine moment.

Wanna make a bet that chronic alcoholism is more prevelant in the real housewife than lyme?

Some differences between Lyme’s Disease and Chronic Lyme: Lyme’s shows up on standard blood tests; Chronic Lyme does not. Lyme’s is typically able to be connected with being bitten by a tick (even if you don’t remember being bitten, you were likely in a tick-infested area); Chronic Lyme could happen anywhere.

I guess they've never heard of bootstraps in St. Olaf.

WTF is there to do at Betty Whites place that takes 14 hrs?

I think he uses it to find his Wives.

But isn’t delegating mediocre tasks an advantage of efficient smart powerful rich people?

I mean, won’t he accomplish more if he doesn’t get distracted by every kitten, cheeseburger, damn daniel video on the web?

I know I get nothing done because of that, and that is why I’m poor.

i agree, if you are that famous you shouldn’t risk malware and the such for $200.

Those MacKeeper tabs are popups generated by The Pirate Bay. He’s not only using one of the most disreputable torrent sites, he’s didn’t even install a script blocker. Someone get that man away from the computer, he’s putting everyone around him in danger!

I see #humbleTrump, I read #humblebrag


A few lines later he mentions something like, “they don’t want to hear about you until you’re old enough to be cheap labor or cannon fodder."

Don’t forget the 5 or 6 awful looking apartment buildings right off the Henry Hudson Parkway, i.e. West Side Highway between W 70th & 75th.