I think we go to the same pharmacy. I get all my stock tips on that line.
He seems like he a sordid past with alcohol. Maybe that’s why his father treated him so badly. Trump Sr. famously never drank alcohol, which is hard to believe. He must have tried it, maybe it made him feel even more self conscious than he already does? I mean who would weave their hair like that unless they were so…
I imagine Don Jr. is the guy that cheers on for, “More Jew jokes!”
I know a religious girl from the south who really doesn’t like Obama. Has bumper stickers that say, “My Cat’s a Republican” and “How’s your hope and change now?” But she’s voting for Hillary Clinton because she wants to stop that cum catching cunt rag also known as Donald Trump.
I love her more and more everyday.
I want to know what kind of favors he was requesting.
Is there a condom requirement? That would ruin it for me.
Chris Christie must have understood. It’s like when you go into a McDonald’s trying to get a number 1, but then you see number 5 and you’re just like “I’ll get that in a large.”
You’re right. I just hate Donald Trump and most men. I’m a guy and it’s getting more and more embarrassing every damn day. I apologize to all the women out there. That does not make me weak. It takes a big man to admit his mistakes.
I’m in if they put this in the lobby of a church. I need to go to confession afterwards.
I’m in. I’m a guy. I try to be better than my forefathers and actual father. I’m actually single, trying to find that right person is tough.
A lot of people are coming forward to call Hillary a cunt. I guess it’s satisfying to men to demean a woman who’s this close to becoming the next President of the United States. I doubt any of the previous 43 presidents have ever had to worry about getting called a cunt.
Robert Klien does a great bit about Warren Beatty and Wilt Chamberlin, because they both slept with upwards of 10,000 women, allegedly.
Jesus Christ, those closeups.
I for one, cannot wait for Palin’s methlab to wipe Alaska off the map.
I hope Christie sucking Trump’s dick was worth it.
In retrospect, Dylan isn’t overrated at all. Sure he’s lauded in certain circles. I actually know some awful Trump supporters that are staunch Dylan fans, which doesn’t make any sense.