Henry Porter

This book?

I love how he reuses his father’s Rosie O’Donnell jokes. The spoons may not have made Rosie fat, but cigars will almost certainly fuck with your body. Smoke up Cunt J. Face Jr.

Many times I’ve waked into a bar. It really makes you think.

I like the Wonder Boys more

Ahhhh, he’s such a cunt.

To be fair, Trump is a vagina on period forever.

I saw this on the cover of some shitty magazine at the walmart checkout today. Christ, they’re fast.

Ted Cruz’s dad was involved in JFK assassination, thus far.

My friends over at a Dylan messaging board have started this poll. I’ll repost it here for you.

Bill Cosby?

I hope Trump doesn’t send his investigators to solve this one. They worked on Obama’s birth certificate for four years only to discover he was born in the USA.

I don’t know how history flipped itself. Businessmen are not good men, don’t you remember fucking cartoons?

Man, I haven’t gotten my schlong worked like that in a long time.

I think even after Trump is dead there will be conspiracists stating that he isn’t really dead, he just didn’t want to deal with the liberals anymore. He’s healthier than an ox, he’ll live to 130.

Yes, but how is his stamina in bed?

Why is it that every day Donald Trump seems like a less cuddly Ben Healy


I’m a guy, so I don’t know, but I figure if it looks like it’d be uncomfortable on me, it’d be uncomfortable on you.

His secret plan to defeat ISIS must reside with my secret girlfriend in Canada.

How did they get the DeLorean over?