But then how will you know we didn’t pee all over it?
But then how will you know we didn’t pee all over it?
I disagree on the opinion that they aren’t interesting, but I see your point.
Average players may not explore every single room. You’d be surprised how many just do the main thing and get out.
Honestly, up to the last bit I agreed with him. I love it when the managers get riled up and kick dirt at the umpires. I love it when a Lou Piniella type throws first base clear into right field. And, I may be in the minority here, I love the flawed charm of a botched call from the eye of the ump without relying on…
I just recovered my classic Xbox from my parent’s house and have been playing SSX3 like the bum that I am. God I love that game. A lot of people will hail Tricky as the better one of the franchise, but damned if I don’t look back on 3 with a greater fondness.
Best answer. I downloaded it again when I was in college and usually after parties I would be blacked out and play this while my girlfriend was passed out. Every morning I woke up to a new surprise in my (previously) perfect park.
If it’s because of the grammar, I recommend you watch the clip.
Watch the video.
This is my rant.
I mean if you want to call writing one comment about how people who are assholes in video games are spending their free time in a pretty pathetic “bitching and crying,” and think it takes more than 30 seconds to write, sure. I highly doubt though that the guy in the video did this one time and never did it again.
READ THIS POST. This is what the OP meant.
Eh, maybe it is. I’m not gonna let it bother me, because I doubt they’re reading this, so I don’t think I’m hurting their feelings here. I very well could be wrong. Who knows? People are inherently judgmental, and I’m no exception.
It’s not just about this game specifically, but being an asshole in a game in general. Me, I haven’t played The Division so I don’t know the hold forward trick, but the takeaway I got from the video is that this kid used his/her free time just to inconvenience others. Seems to me like it’s a pretty hollow life they…
As if bitching about it takes more than 5 seconds