
xbox one plays xbox 360 games (x86 v powerPC) for this reason. The PS4 is almost certainly capable of playing pS3 games with a lot of work, the PS5 should definitely be able to

“(which admitedly they had little choices but to drop from PS3 to PS4 due to completely different architectures making it very hard to achieve)“ 

consoles can easily still be cheaper for casual games, whether PC elitists want to accept that or not. I spent $250 on the console, $50 on extra controllers, and under $300 on games the 7 years that i owned it. console games are often on sale these days. I like PC gaming, and play a decent amount on my okayish laptop,

xbox one and ps4 cant play games off disk anymore, they have to install the full game to the HDD before running it

xbox one x is just about there, so next gen better damn well be able to do 4k 60fps

GOODS19 gets you 40% off puma

GOODS19 gets you 40% off puma

the X looked hideous, and i ended up seeing those all over. The 3 is one of the ugliest cars in its segment, and those are selling quite well

ODB is a legal requirement

did they make the x, 3, and Y ugly to make the S look better? i dont see their game here

no autoplay with whatever service you are using? and why cant her phone go to the next episode? none of this fits with my experience of the chromecast

no autoplay with whatever service you are using? and why cant her phone go to the next episode? none of this fits

sonic racing for the win

“This is further proof that we should probably start thinking of California-based Tesla as an American luxury brand.”

the article you yourself posted goes on to dispute your claim... 

im anxious to see the final product, but so far its very goofy looking

i get points for even finishing like top 40 pretty sure...

okay, well, your way was attempted for many years, and didnt work well for the kids..... we can go back to it, but it’s not like its some new idea that should theoretically work.

The real answer is to have an NFL minor league. This could kill NCAA football, but thats not the point. 

there are reasons for these barriers in the NFL too, to protect the livelihood of the young players. The NFL didn’t always have this rule, but plently of young kids ended up getting screwed over.

The MLB is a different beast. If a kid gets drafted out of High school, but isnt good enough for the big leagues, they have multiple lower tiers to play them in for a while so they can develop. The NFL doesnt have this, so if the player isnt good enough, they are screwed. They can no longer go back to the NCAA, so

The NBA and NFL used to allow drafting straight from highschool. There were many issues. NFL/NBA teams were speculating too much, trying to grab up any potential superstar talent before other teams noticed it, getting riskier and riskier. Problem was that they were often wrong, and were taking kids that werent ready.

technically it is the NFL saying he has to spend more time in the NCAA, not the NCAAs power to decide that