
Tempting. might just be cheap enough to buy it, and sell it all in a few months once im done with spiderman, without taking much of a loss. 

Tempting. might just be cheap enough to buy it, and sell it all in a few months once im done with spiderman, without

the wheels would be spinning in the same direction as normal

i dont think its a secret, isnt it pretty well known that there is a minor hardware revision to prevent the current exploit in all new switches?

wtf is wrong with people

thing is, clinton was hated much more than normal by conservative, and lots of on the fence voters.

oils would be the ideal solution, if its for medicating, honestly.

switch also restricted mods, but the switch has been hacked

“responsible lane sharing.” this doesnt exist

“, only legal when other cars are at a stop”

Lane splitting, only legal when other cars are at a stop, is extremely dangerous, both for the motorcyclist, and for the vehicles it startles or catches off guard. You are so close to other vehicles that you have no time to react if they start merging without seeing you, or if they are too far to the side in their

somebody who lanesplits has no right to criticize unsafe drivers

hes parked....

you want a good car? or a nice logo?

ummm.... no. Not even close. You cant even get a 2 year old optima turbo for that price

and this is why we are stuck with shitty luxury brands. Badge whores buy what they think will make people think they are cool, and then they are stuck in a beamer going to the shop twice a year for major repairs. 

“I still have massive reliability concerns”

you have to get pedigree somewhere. This is their attempt

“I’ll never not see a KIA as anything more than a throwaway appliance.”

from what i read, Speculation is that Hyundai created Genesis because Hyundai had too poor of a name to sell luxury/sporty cars, but Kia had done enough brand improvement with the Kia Optima 2012 and on that they felt it would be better to use the Stinger to further raise their brand, and sell even more optimas and

is this the type of sale/coupon where if i made a large purchase yesterday, i can request the discount? otherwise ill just return it and buy one today

is this the type of sale/coupon where if i made a large purchase yesterday, i can request the discount? otherwise