
The complaints are about both.....

ha ha. no worries. I dont usually care enough to correct people, but in this case i actually got pretty hung up on that spot trying to figure out what you were saying.. lol

I honestly cant think of any other mainstream multiplayer FPS WW2 games with Zombies. If people dont get your example, maybe use a different one.

I didnt say it was the only one, but it is by far the more popular one, and as far as im aware, BF does not have zombies... so...


to be fair, those are two different fanbases. quite a few COD games included females and minorities, and nobody cared.

did you even look at the comment i was responding to? Look again.

ummm. so switch your control mapping?

Halo 1 and 2 are on PC, halo 5 forge/multiplayer is on PC (for free), and the new Halo will be fully available on PC too

ha ha, i was veerry good at highjacking both ghosts and banshees. I would always bait my friends into trying to splatter me near edges, and then YOINK!

i wonder if they primarily target the potholes/roads that have actually caused pizza damage, that would be great

im not sure if i ever made it out of the grey

nah, they absolutely dont have the right for any title containing one of the words they used. Imagine if pizza hut did that

That’s what I thought until he started walking around

well, I realized that 6 years ago me was dumb enough to think that he could save a very failing company, just by coming in the full 8 hours a day.. Not as CEO, but just as a random 9-5 employee... ha ha

yeah.... that doesnt make it better...

yeah.... that doesnt make it better...

i guess series one is not gen one, actually? stupid apple, with their stupid naming conventions.

i guess series one is not gen one, actually? stupid apple, with their stupid naming conventions.



but that is 100% because of autopilot. We only hear about it if autopilot was on, or POSSIBLY on. Thousands of teslas crash every year, we only hear about a dozen or so, and its because of autopilot. If this has no autopilot, we wont hear about it

did you really just respond to my comment from 6 years ago? lol