
This really gives me hope. just look at the xbox 360, by means of constant and significant upgrades it turned from a cool gaming console, to an amazing media player and a very pleasing experience. the difference between usefulness and usability in 2013 compared to launch is unmatched by any other console. if they can

Maybe its not healthier, but its different, and often tasty. there is a reason that we use rice, wheat, oats, and corn commonly, instead of just one of them. they have their advantages, and a different taste. i personally fell in love with Amaranth while living in mexico for two years. I like the taste and texture. it

Definitely hit him, but I still can’t find a view where he makes any contact with his face or head...

does the screen still look really grainy/low-res?

i am sooo glad i didnt buy one of these when they came out. i was very tempted and almost bought one, but they lost third party support almost immediately, they had a decent launch line-up and many great titles were promised, so it appeared that its biggest strength would be support....

the bigger question is what did i forget?

p.s. yes i realize that this article is meant to be funny (and it is.)


Agreed. The spiderman games were actually really good.

does this game still lack LAN play?

Hmm.. 20 years in utah and have yet to see that...

yup. kinda weird, and annoying. you can backup and restore, but that only puts some system data back, some media, and all the apps you downloaded from the play store (but without any data.) this is a feature that i have been waiting for, seeing as how my iPad 2 had this 4 years ago.

for the most part, its fairly useless. i only use it when i need to see info in one app, while inputting it in another. ex. looking at a video or photo of something i need to type into the settings, or a text without switching back and forth. i use it every once in a while, but wouldn’t really miss it were it gone.

funny thing is that ALL apps are capable of it, its just that Samsung wont let you open any app in dual window that they haven’t tested, or given the a-okay, or that hasn’t been built specifically for it. the same is true on LG devices.

Funny that the driver makes a stink about the rider crossing the double yellow, when he himself also technically crossed the double yellow..

I just downloaded it, and while it’s not a horrible game, it has little to know replay value. (Consider adding unlockables, or upgradable items, or some sort of story of progressive mode) also, you can’t quit to the menu without force closing the app. I’m gonna delete it now, cuz after 10 minutes I’m bored, and its a

A six pack of micro USB cables wouldn’t be necessary if they didn’t wear out in 2 months. I have a stack of like 10 worthless loose cables now.

A six pack of micro USB cables wouldn’t be necessary if they didn’t wear out in 2 months. I have a stack of like 10

You act that is unique to apple. Galaxy s6 edge costs 290$ to manufacture, and retails for 700$. (Thats a higher markup than the iPhone 6).

If you put a guy that is good at building stuff, but has never seen a car, in a room with some car parts and other random construction materials, and briefly explained the idea of a car, this is what he would build...