
Uhh, you realize my whole post was about why the disks are still important, right?

It needs to be either downloading at a fairly high speed, or downloaded a fair amount already for that to be possible. Plus, either way i would be stealing most of the limited bandwidth in my house for an extended period of time. Which isnt very nice to my family

im probably wrong, but i think its 1080 total, not per eye. probably wrong though.

?? do you have a grandfathered plan that you would have to forfeit or something? if you are on android, just do it the cheaters way. if your on iphone, you can do it free if you are jailbroken, with a tweak from cydia.

xbox can connect to ad-hoc hotspots, so if your phone supports wifi hotspots, your good to go.

my internet is about 2mbps (average, im supposed to get up to 3, have never once gone ove 2.1 though. go down to 1.5 pretty often) which fits microsofts recommended minimum. That is fast enough to do most of the cloud stuff, according to microsoft, but is not fast enough to download a full game in a reasonable amount

pro tip, you do NOT have to use a special xbox hdd, almost any laptop sized HDD will work, once you flash/format it correctly.

couldnt they just make the oceans smaller in the old one? but make them appear big still on maps, and such?

i really want to play this game, but i play console. I dont care what you self proclaimed master race people say, i prefer console, i have tried both, and i prefer console. My computer is just not set up to play a game like this right now, and i have no real reason to upgrade it, it does what i need, and does it well.

i would not say it is beautiful. Bearable? maybe

i really really want a good survival FPS based on the walking dead, for consoles and PC. stupid activision really screwed up when they tried.

i dont understand how nintendo manages to sell hardware almost purely so people can play these games.... they are fun, no doubt. But they dont get funner every new iteration. the previous generation of all these games are just as fun, and almost exactly the same.

but i wont want too.

nah, its not very special, and cant do much more than before. They just stuck to their major selling points.

both pretty plain, but i prefer the xbox look. dont really like the slant on the front of the ps4

the concept is awesome, and ambitious. But the gameplay just seems decent, and the graphics sub-par. But i guess im spoiled by forza. I will likely give this a try though, i have been wanting a street racing type game, the forza type (legitimate league racing) games get boring. though forza has amazing graphics, and

if its anything like before, 2k will always make a much better basketball game.

i dont get why people are complaining. i pay 3$ a month for xbox live. if i get 2 games that are about 10$ each used, each month, for 3$ total, and get access to a better online system than that of psn (imo, dont try to argue that point, because it is purely subjective.)

yes and no. i go into stores to look at new products, but just because i like to see the new products., not because im planning on buying them

is this the same free additional coop levels for portal 2 that i downloaded on my xbox 360? or different.