
Don’t know, but he would have violated Star Fleet’s Prime Directive.

As An AmG oWnErI cAn TeLl YoU hE pRoBaBlY hAd ThOsE wHeElS wAsHeD a WeEk AgO. 

Cruisin’ down the street in my 6-4.

Oh, my precious, when does the staff do as they’re told? That’s why we replace them as often as we do.

Given the era of the car, it’s pretty clear that the cocaine that’s hidden in the car isn’t distributed evenly.

You put the wrong 959.

Let us remember this latest Bowling Green massacre.

That’s just cause I don’t own a BMW x3

Just south of there is a town in Arizona called “Fredonia”. We got that same “Twilight-Zone” vibe in that place. Don’t make eye contact!!!

Leaving the ramp down was a ferry bad idea.

I was watching the episode and thinking “people on the internet will be triggered by this”.

Coulda sworn I’d seen that before.

Part of me is unsure if the seller is an actual retard or just writing like one because it is the official language of Craigslist and Vortex.

PSA: Don’t buy a car from a seller that uses the word “dope”, and also doesn’t know the difference between “there” and “they’re”. Also, his piss-poor taste was probably also applied to maintenance/mods.

When did Toyota make gokarts?

“Sudden unintended acceleration”

Hey Rob,

Hold my state-sold case of Yuengling and watch this.