
Anyone who would kill an elephant for 'sport' needs the absolute shit beaten out of them.

Yeah just imagine what kind of multiple page post-it notes he walks around putting on stuff in the communal fridge and around the dorm.

that was pretty clear in context, but the fact that the thin-skinned dbag kept using it like a gang or fraternity name is lame and contemptible.

Agreed. Tyler maybe whined or snarked, or both, but only a little, once, and mildly. This lunatic went off on a ranting, nutballs, genuinely abusive diatribe in response. I assume they didn't like each other already, but even so, it's way past medication time for the ranter.

He posted a couple more terrible tweets at the end of his blog post, and those tweeters have similarly shut down their accounts after being given a raft of crap.

This might be the single most passive-aggressive, schizophrenic email I've ever read. He goes from "yeah, sorry about that" to "YOU SELF-ENTITLED PRICK WITH BAD HAIR!" to "I'm stalking you on the internet" to "we could be great friends...we both love Obama!" to "YOU SELF-ENTITLED PRICK! YOU'RE MAKING OBAMA AND

"Men are THE WORST thing that ever happens to women." - Louis C.K.

I don't know how much of a douche Tyler is beyond complaining about a lack of parties in a dorm, but I get the sense that the guy that wrote this e-mail is way douchier.

Men are terrible. I'm glad I'm a guy, because if I was a woman I'd never ever date. Ever. It blows my mind that any woman would want anything to do with us.

I see a lot of commentary on this - all of it good - that "Dads who have daughters should read this!" or whatever.

Rape by an acquaintance is a much more likely a real threat to most American women than death by ISIS.

And don't forget to throw in the doichiest "I'm sorry if my sharp wit has offended you" non-apology ever.

Every time a college athlete does something horrible I wonder if he was recruited by Florida State, and if he regrets not attending school there while handcuffed.

Are there similar numbers of rape charges among European professionals as there are among our college and pro athletes?

I was watching Fresh Off the Boat a few days ago and the dad had to have "the talk" with the son. The dad comes into the kitchen all happy that he handled it and the moms goes, "did you tell him not to date rape?" And the dad just stood there for a second and then went back. Later the mom came in the son's room and

Teaching men to not rape is the only valid way to prevent rape. These kinds of "rape prevention" ideas that put the responsibility on women for their own safety is just another tool for the rape culture to victim blame when rapes happen, because they didn't follow the "rape prevention" manual closely enough.

In other words, don't be a woman.

Even if you win, he interrupts you and says that you are not worth and you must respect the "gamestry" of other and then he get his mother through heaven while you just watch for 2 hours straight.

Thank you, Kara, for Shade Court.