
I hear girls have cooties, too.

It only sounds like that because the pitch is higher. I have zero doubt that the men were screaming just as loudly.

Yes, that's why people scream...because they think it's going to cause something to stop. Not at all because it's a compulsory emotional reaction.

Girls? I have seen grown men freak at the slightest bit of turbulence.

Yup. Having an account at Ashley Madison isn't conclusive prove that your partner is cheating either, but it's pretty fucking close.

I Didn't Know I WASN'T Pregant!

I agree with you 100%. Just compare the Williams Sonoma takedown to this. Drew hints at the colossal emptiness that's at the heart of trying to have the perfect home in addition to ladling on some wacky humor and also, yes, a little outrage. In this piece all Burneko does is call Prince William names and make fun of

OK. If Drew is truly doing the same thing as Albert, why do you think the reaction to these two is different?

Drew is better at it.


But I feel that if your of a certain age and had the flu shot growing up, you probably don't need it anymore. Look, if your going to get sick your going to get sick regardless of whether or not you've taken the plunge to get the shot.

"it is not the violent thugs burning down buildings that buy their advertiser's products"

So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.

you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case

That room sounds haunted as fuck.

I think he used pretty much every excuse in the rapist handbook. "The women are lying, they came onto me! They're just poor and are smearing my reputation for a payday! My wife is hot and those bitches are ugly! I'm the real victim here!!!"

Ughhhhhhhh, so I live in Brooklyn, and cabs are pretty few and far between near me. I've been occasionally dating a dude in Red Hook, where cabs are non-existent. Uber has, in general, been a pretty positive experience for me, not to mention has saved me from waiting for the bus literally under the subway overpass at

Ah, what a lovely society we live in where not touching people you don't want to touch makes you socially inept. No rape culture here people, nothing to see here.

During his initial campaign for governor, Walker made it clear that he wanted to outlaw abortion even as a life-saving measure. That's right. He thinks that women who are violently hemorrhaging because their pregnancy has gone hideously wrong should be forced by law to die. Because he is a piece of shit.

Being very serious here: