Hey, that’s what politicians do.
Hey, that’s what politicians do.
9. Don’t buy this junk in the first place.
Kaine appears to be the rudest person I have ever seen. There is no way I would ever vote for him or Pantsuit.
The best method of all: A father’s belt.
It’s simple. Most people are criminals.
I will definitely stay away from homosexual sinner parades
Well, Hillary and Hussein want to import more Muslims. That should help out a lot. Be sure to thank them when more incidents like this take place.
Simple solution: Close homosexual bars. Even a politician should be able to figure that out.
How are @holes going to run somebody off the road if they don’t have a steering wheel?
A dead giveaway is whenever a politician opens his or her mouth.
In the case of politicians, it’s whenever they open their mouth.