
That’s not what ‘fridged’ means, and Hollyhock’s arc in the back half was her refusal to be BoJack’s prop any longer. He trampled over her boundaries without asking her, and he showed himself to be exactly as bad as she’d feared after hearing about what happened with Penny. She understood he wasn’t going to change in

The problem is there are apparently people who miss the point and think Rick should be considered a role model be emulated. You would think his constant lack of happiness would be a guide.

I think the best commentary they ever did on gun control was when in “Downer Ending”, when BJ, Sara Lynn, and Todd are all tripping, they’re inexplicably all holding guns and remark - “wait - if everyone has guns, no one will need to have guns!” or something, and Todd replies, “I THINK WE JUST SOLVED THIS COUNTRY’S

Same. Episode 6 is the greatest representation of anxiety and depression I have ever seen on the screen, big or small.

I don't see this as the guards being framed sympathetically. I see it as really unsubtly but effectively driving home how easy it is to shrug off brutally inhumane treatment that happens to people because they are categorized by society as "bad." Society by and large shrugs at the shameful state of our prison system