Colourful Sevens

My theory - admittedly based on some leaks and theories, just to warn you if you've been avoiding potential spoilers - is that Viserion will be injured (as opposed to killed) during a battle this season, possibly the one we've all seen in the trailer involving the Dothraki and the Lannisters. This means that, when

With Sam at the Citadel this season they're essentially mirroring Arya's first few days in Braavos: carrying out mundane chores at the House of Black and White, gazing longingly into the "restricted zones". The difference with Sam's storyline is that they're not dragging it out over however many episodes, and they're

Jimmy McGill aims to get one back against people like Chuck. Saul Goodman manipulates and isolates frail old women for his own gain. So, R.I.P. Jimmy McGill.

Cool! Could be something to do with where I was when I first watched this episode: fresh out of a break-up similar to Dev & Rachel's, hoping Dev wouldn't just quickly find happiness with another girl. That he'd soldier on alone like I thought I'd have to.

So, just me who thinks the show's never coming back and that the shot of Dev & Francesca in bed at the end was a dream?

As likeable as he is, there's definitely stuff about Dev that we're not supposed to be too keen on, or to relate to. I mean, at the end of last season he could afford to leave his apartment and life for three months at the drop of a hat and go to Italy. Just like that. He could then come back to the very same

This episode sure added a whole extra level to Arnold's character, huh? Bless him.

You know the last bit of Finding Dory, when Gary the octopus suddenly learns to drive a truck because reasons, and the humans' response is to panic and fret, which ultimately makes the situation worse?

Dennis' departure has sort of been coming for a while now that I think about it.

The Gang Group Dates too, but that ultimately fails.

This could have perhaps done with another five minutes of runtime just to fully flesh out some things that just got left behind, like Mac & Frank suddenly deciding they don't have PTSD because reasons, but that was a hugely rewarding ending and Cricket's little cameo as the announcer was excellent. Fair to say this

Best bit of the episode was the last minute or so, just the guys in the bar shooting the shit and ragging on Making a Murderer. Can't say I was blown away nor disappointed by documentary-style format, and there were some good scenes with Mac and Frank, but this kinda stuff just isn't what I watch Sunny for I don't

Just watched this episode and its predecessor again, turns out I still love them both. "We eat the food directly off the coffee table, and you know it!" is one of my all-time favourite lines in anything ever.

Solid episode, I thought. The callback to Charlie's heavily duck-taped camcorder was excellent.

If they can't get the original cast together properly then I'm hoping season 5 is just fifteen or sixteen episodes of Gene Parmesan pretending to be the Bluths, doing rapid costume and voice changes. Then, as the season ends, he pulls off a wig or a moustache and says "It's me! Gene Parmesan!" as if we didn't always

It's 3:13am where I am. I was *supposed* to go to bed at 1:30am after watching a couple of episodes of Atlanta because I'm *supposed* to be correcting my sleeping pattern.

Yeah, it is a bit shady and nasty.

Don't get me wrong, it's come to the point where I sort of love every episode unconditionally.

Season 10's still good but it's not on the level of anything that came before it. For every Gang Beats Boggs there's a Psycho Pete Returns, for every Family Fight there's Ass Kicker's United, you get the idea. In retrospect, it has more great episodes than I remember, but the number of true classics is low compared to

To (probably unfairly) compare it to The Nightman Cometh, the actual music in this one doesn't quite stand up. They're not as instantly quotable after one listen and there's not as much replay value in the songs alone, nor as much humour buried in their lyrics. But this still got me.