
Gold Star fag here, so the hygiene aspect that emerged from the survey results - does having no hair make things more pleasant smell or taste wise? I learned a few years ago about that healthy vaginas will just randomly discharge mucus and fluid throughout the day, which I was not spiritually prepared for, but maybe

My god, what a terrible name. Kailyn, Bryson, Jaxxson, etc. they’re the worst things to come out of the suburbs in a long time.

As Michael Jackson would say, “Gentle 13 year old, if I show you this kitten crushing video is it possible you might let me rim you?”

Oh nothing, by proving that you’re the personification of “frigid and dour scold” you did all the work for me.

Where does she get it? From Brazil, India, or Bangladesh - duh.

Her anal hygiene is likely impeccable at any hour of the day.

You are the worst kind of humorless - and you probably give shitty head.

Who cares about the dress, I had no idea Mario had horrifying little carnival hands.

I bet TSwift is one of those girls who thinks she’s too pretty to give head. It’s just making out and missionary fucking. Doggie style if its his birthday or if she’s had 2 glasses of white wine, but only for a minute or two.

I’m just not sure how, aside from a host calling you a nigger, you can actually know whether or not a cancellation was based on race. I’m gay, and my partner and I have used AirBnB extensively in some politically questionable parts of the country, but figure that if they don’t want fags there they’ll deny us - and if