
I just can’t figure it our goddammit is so lazy and reductive and deeply frustrating.

Just like your spelling mistakes.

They will be partly to blame for holding her to some kind of standard? Jesus, you’re asking for propaganda.

I completely agree, I think in a way, it is one of the few forms of media that actually conveys the true gravity of rape - the horror of it, and the lasting effects it has on survivors. Anyway, it’s been incredible to read, I haven’t felt this way since I’ve read Dune. The influence it’s had on anime and pop culture

I’m reading Berserk for the first time, it’s probably the most incredible graphic text I’ve ever encountered. It was created by a genius but gosh golly ... there is a lot of rape.

Before the page loaded to reveal the spaghetti grilled cheese, the headline made me think that Taylor Swift’s nudes had finally been leaked.

We can also assume in a world where cybernetics, advanced tech, and AI are very common, that 1. humans live extraordinarily longer than they do now and 2. cosmetic techniques to erase any signs of said aging are also totally normalized.

He just needs to confirm or deny her sandwich pussy. Is it a dainty cucumber tea sandwich, or a sloppy Italian hoagie. The world waits on bated breath.

So for real, groping - which is by the way a misdemeanour, is “unforgivable” ? Does your biblical sense of justice apply to other assault victims? What exactly is your world view like?

Yo Barney would get sucked - that is fact.

Having top tier women writers handle this would make the whole thing more cohesive. If they slap a black woman into the iron man suit it’s a win for representation, but if the comic sucks then it sadly goes down as “That time Marvel pandered and the comic was worse off for 2 years” - that can be damning for future

If we send them more money, will they add more frames per second?

She’d be the first Kardashian/Jenner to touch a white man in 20 years.

Dude SU is one of the only shows where I have been able to find streaming episodes online in a multitude of formats, that is outside of torrenting. The future is now - who gives a fuck when the show airs on TV, just watch it and love it.

I guess in a way it’s just body mod. If she was getting tattoos, piercings, etc. There would be less to say about it. The whole thing is fascinating only in that they’re totally restructuring their bodies using state of the art medical techniques to alter what we think humans should look like; in that sense her

Yeah internalized homophobia done fucked me up. I have an awesome, brilliant, nurturing and hot boyfriend but still have this weird part of my brain that goes nuts for flat brimmed hats, blunts, and basketball shorts. I’ve also never had to actually confront the reality of these men where it’s likely all manbaby

When I think about what it must be like to date a straight man, I think of dudes like this, and it is an enduring part of my fantasy life. Concerts, GTA, weed and fucking? Oh baby do you know what that’s worth? Let’s make heaven a place on Earth.

The double kills are strange, as Lucio I knocked 2 players off of a ledge in Nepal and got PoTG. I can almost guarantee you it was not play of the game, and not even that exciting to watch. Meh - I’d rather be somehow recognized for my sweet healz.

Dude just download and play the game for free. It’s not some grand moral decision.

Do people actually believe that? Fuck man, if it isn’t physically nailed to the ground pirate the fuck out of it.

With these leads in place Hillary can safely discard any false support she might have been broadcasting for progressive policy positions and still coast into the presidency, her student loan gift to rich white tech bros is likely just the beginning. I pray for human destruction.