
I’m so totally going to do this on purpose all afternoon now.

A word of personal advice, do not perform oral sex on your girlfriend the same night you eat hot Thai food. Brushing your teeth hours later might seem to work.

I would bring 8 devices to play Pokemon GO on!

Dude, really? Come on. I know it’s “us against the world,” but really it isn’t. You listed three schools that have literally kicked players off for the same thing or less. SMH.

Crap, iFound Trevor!

My wife wanted to spend all of my money, which she did, but then she was not happy. Did I do this all wrong?

What is Pokémon Go?

The Glitch Reel!*

That’s it. I’m moving here.

It’s brilliant TV (and sometimes terrible TV writing) but it has flaws by the nature of being TV. I don’t read much at all. I just don’t like it. But I read ASOIAF. We’re at the good stuff, and before the books.. This is the “Luke I am your father” end-game stuff the books never got to, that’s why the show is

It’s definitely good TV, and it’s definitely TV.

I’m compelled to tell you I laughed out loud at this comment. Cheers.

I’m curious, how are they treated? The nematocyst cells behave the same way by nature, I’m curious how different they are now.

Pics or it didn’t happen.

What have I been stockpiling this pee for then?!

I know! Craigslist, here I come!

On the Dark Souls 3 part, the outside player was a Mound Maker—-that’s why he was purple, and he’s not there implicitly to kill the host.

He gets aggro from enemies just like the host (and unlike red invaders) and can help the host. They can fight the host, but by nature you don’t know what any Mound Maker is there to

It’s the glitch reel!

I hate to sound like a troll, but I would love to see so many more of the best plays and events from games!

Not just a Porsche, but a convertible.

Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world.
When did it become the glitch show? I don’t mean to sound like a troll about it but HR is always filled with glitches rather than great plays, stunts, records and other great moments.” I

Highlight Reel!