You are my new best friend!
You are my new best friend!
I agreed with that mostly because of how simple the dragon-releasing scene played out (and why didn’t they fly away, and why didn’t we see them at all this week?), but I remembered we knew who Tyrion’s mother was. So somehow it would have to be a Targaryan father to Tyrion, but I’m not sure how that would be possible…
Problem with Souls and an easy mode is the hardest part about it is the invasions, which can’t be set by a sliding scale of difficulty——-if you get invaded by a warrior with end-game gear (which is 90% of the time), the only thing that can help is god mode, especially since they removed the inability to heal since…
Hahahah, you mended my soul with that one! I praised the sun to try to show respect for being “that guy” who brought up Demon’s Souls in an article about Dark Souls (which was the spritual successor to King’s Field, so there’s that). Still, well done!
Hahahahah, touche! Well played. Praise the sun, sir.
You’ll never forget your first Demon’s Souls experience, you mean. Right?
I’m that guy. Sorry. I loved Demon’s Souls. And it was definitely my first “Souls” experience, one like no other before it. I know it was PS3-only, but I’ll never forget the first time I played it, even the smells I remember. I obsessed over…
Well also his writing energy goes into...helping the show.
It reminds me of George Lucas “helping” Star Wars...
He has pages; a will and testament. We’ll likely read those before we read another ASOIAF book.
After season one, it really felt like fan fiction, didn’t it?
The most frustrating part is how closely season one followed the first book. It wasn’t a perfect match, but it felt as close to a one-to-one TV adaptation as possible, and it was well done! It couldn’t have happened in a film, and for all intents and…
Emergency Room! YES! Oh, you made my day, thank you! It wasn’t a good game, I just loved it! I was a pre-med student at the time.
Oh! I left out Wing Commander IV! I’m a fool.
I loved 90's live-action video games! I miss them so!
I still think it’s crazy the anger and fury is all about how the NFL has handled talking about (or hiding) CTE, rather than CTE itself. CTE happens in all kinds of places and sports, from boxing to soccer (football?).
This is my favorite thing to do in Dark Souls games: approve bad messages and hope people follow them
I think that’s the guy’s reflection to the left of the car? I can barely make out his sunglasses. I feel better now.
I love Cars & Coffee, and we had a BIG anniversary show here in Greenville, SC at Michelin’s NA HQ, here are the pics from Fête Greenville Magazine! Cheers!