
I live in South Carolina and I still hate that they are called the “Carolina” Panthers.

I’ve never heard of the California 49’ers, or the Wisconsin Packers.

It’s time to grow up, Charlotte. Take your team, the CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA PANTHERS and stop trying to associate with us.

Don’t worry if you don’t like Northbot; next year Bungie will change all the ghost voice-overs to either Mel Blanc or Morgan Freeman.
Then the year after that they’ll “fix it” to be voiced by either Larry Kenny (Lion-O) or Jennifer Hale.
The following year, the ghost itself will be replaced by Space Ghost thanks to a


Don’t worry if you don’t like Northbot; next year Bungie will change all the ghost voice-overs to either Mel Blanc or Morgan Freeman.
Then the year after that they’ll “fix it” to be voiced by either Larry Kenny (Lion-O) or Jennifer Hale.
The following year, the ghost itself will be replaced by Space Ghost thanks to a

The problem I think most of us have is those critical problems aren’t perceived by one partner to be critical or a problem. It’s tricky, but maybe it’s just time for divorce.

You talk like they didn’t get paid. Is that really what happened? Sounds fishy.

“Unless they’re critical,” there’s the rub.

Authorized. You left that part out. You know, writing about someone you’ve actually spoken to, for example.

That makes even less sense. It sounds like the “men” weren’t acting like professionals. And doesn’t show leadership qualities in college? Are you still talking about Nick Saban? I’ve so confused.

It’s Rocket League. Isn’t the point not to take it so seriously? You’re throwing an invincible car at a giant floaty ball. It’s ridiculous fun.
I get that people are competitive with it, but man, don’t take the fun out of my Rocket League. It would take a lot more than sunshine and invisible walls to do that.
Oh, and

There are a lot of things Nintendo could change about the original Super Mario Brothers, too, just like Destiny keeps “improving” their game. I hope they don’t make Mario into a thin teenager or replace the oval coins with credit affidavits and turn the koopa troopers into honey badgers rendered in real time.


Hamilton doesn’t bug me because of how he wins; he bugs me because he CAN’T HANDLE LOSING. On the very first lap he’s already blaming his teammate for not being 18 minutes ahead of Ferrari?

Still hoping Project C.A.R.S. one day works with racing wheels made implicitly for the Sony’s console.

There's some irony in me getting a full set of Crota raid gear before any of my clan... but I can't even get it to 31 yet because of the mats, and the rest of the clan is all 31.

I can't help but think, what if they were making more content instead of trying to fix mistakes?

"This company should stop me from doing what I'm doing, that's why I'm doing it."

you can get gear and weapons to deconstruct for your other upgrades? But yes, pretty much pointless. I just got my final piece of raid gear Saturday and everyone told me not to bother with it. Lame.

Thesurround sound really is underrated. The headphones are brilliant.

I'm confused. You can still do the same exact missions. The strikes were just the same missions with bonuses you can still get by upping the difficulty settings which the weekly strike did for you automatically. You can still earn strange coins. It's not a punishment. I see it as a reward for people who bought this

I never hear any of these sounds because I always use the Playstation Gold wireless headphones. They're great, but that must mean they also turn off the controller speaker because I never hear any noise from the DS4.