
OMG, leftover deer carcasses would have me contacting state authorities.

That app is worth looking into—especially if I keep coming across obvious illegal dumping.

I carry an empty grocery bag with me while walking my dog. I pick up garbage alongside my road and put it in the bag. When I get back home, that bag goes into my outdoor bin. I live in an area where people drive pickup trucks and use the bed of their truck as a trashcan. I’m pretty sure these people hope the garbage

I walk the dog around the block every morning before clocking in. It’s not much, but it does help to wake me up.

I crocheted an afghan out of cheap cotton yarn. Ended up costing me about $100 in materials, but it’s so heavy it feels like the lead apron they lay on you at the dentist when you get an xray. I never thought of using it to reduce my anxiety!

I crocheted an afghan out of cheap cotton yarn. Ended up costing me about $100 in materials, but it’s so heavy it

Um, probably not good for people like me with depression and anxiety. Just made my heart rate speed up. Also filled with an overwhelming drive to just “fuck it”, abandon work forever, and stop wasting my life away in front of a computer.

I hope so. I really haven’t heard much about their non-blue collar workers.

I live nearish to Pittsburgh and while the Amazon HQ would mean jobs, they are notorious for treating their workers like shit. Compound that with what the city would do to court those jobs... the whole situation just makes my skin crawl. It’s a race to the bottom.

That’s what I currently use. :)

Does firefox have a VPN feature?

Finding out who is running for office in a paperless rural town is extremely difficult. I actually asked the people running the election where to find a list of names beforehand (to make an educated vote) and they had no idea.

dog poop, thistle, thorns, bees, and I guess slugs. If you’ve touched your toe to a wasp, it’s already too late man.

I never noticed the wide-ankle parts on those wide-calf boots, but you’re right. No wonder I always look like I have stumps for legs when I try to go boot shopping.

I’m a ball walker due to a combined influence of running around barefoot most my life and having to tiptoe around the house so as to not wake my nightshift working father. Can confirm, huge calves. Cannot fit into any women’s boots—not even the boots built for large calves. I am so graceful and have excellent posture,

As a daughter of a narcissistic father and a person that has also had to take similar measures for my own personal health and growth, I completely and totally understand where you’re coming from.

Same. Actively boycotting a few businesses for this very reason.

Same. Actively boycotting a few businesses for this very reason.

I need help on this issue and I’m hoping Lifehacker commenters have some suggestions!

I have always tried to use less plastic (reusable bags, opt for minimalist packaging, make my own beverages, etc) but I recently moved to a town where the tap water quality is poor. For the past two years, we’ve received quarterly

I really had no idea that soft-boiled eggs were a thing. I always thought those period-piece breakfast people were eating hardboiled eggs in an egg cup—which seemed cumbersome to me.

My husband names my dishes. His current favorite is Chicken Pockets, which is the name he gave my Baked Cheesy Chicken Chimichangas.

I’ll admit giving the dishes a special name is much easier than responding, “oh, you know, that salad with chicken, kalamata olives, banana peppers, feta and stuff...”

My little brother (back in our Atari days) used to rotate between biting the joystick and throwing the controller at the wall whenever he was frustrated with a game. Thankfully, due to short cords, we had to sit relatively close to the wall. Inversely, it was Atari, so he was frustrated about 10-20 times per hour.