
@FrankN.Stein: I think I like this version of this post the best. :)

@sprale: OH GAWD MILEY CYRUS. I should not have read the tiny text. The photos were bad enough on Footloose.

@sprale: Your link made me cry tears of pain by the time I got to #4. I don't think I have the strength to continue...

@Corvus-Corax: You've got to milk the cash-cow. There's a whole new generation of children to traumatize here.

@Soupytwist: No idea. WonderWoman's story is so convoluted. I'm happy they're trying to clean it up, but not at the expense of existing characters. :(

I was so happy she wasn't wearing just panties that I totally missed the all the stupidness of this outfit.

I feel like Mr. Bernardin is leading us to answer in a particular way via not-very-subliminal messaging with Neo as the banner image.

@NerD:blogOtaku: I voted for Omega Man, but maybe it's TOO easy to make fun of. I don't believe many responders here seem to know that it's yet another take on I Am Legend.

@LittleDragon: Understandable. My husband sometimes reorganizes the queue and bumps up ten of the lamest movies. I think I need to make him his own queue. ;)

@LittleDragon: You want to watch 60 other movies before The Happening or do you just find it too difficult to reorder the queue?

@LittleDragon: Sadly, no. :( I could have sworn I watched Carriers streaming, though. Maybe not.

@ejs2000: The guy that died in the zoo—like he couldn't have found a quicker way—cracked me up. As did the tree swing scene.

@ossuary: Yay! More Happening love. :D

I love that most of these are available on Netflix Instant Queue.

#12 makes me want to watch Bedtime Stories.

@Grey_Area: I was wondering if the writers kept a log of all the ridiculous names just so they were certain not to use the same one twice.

@colormist: And again on number #40. Didn't even notice his dildo collection until I read the comments. I was debating as to whether The Green-Thing was friendly or not. It seems to have friendly posturing.