
I’ve unclogged a toilet now and then and fallen down pipes too, but I don’t call myself a plumber either... Dude’s spent the last 30 years chasing tail and turtles in a psychedelic, mushroom-infused dream state. Mario is a lot of things, but a plumber ain’t one of them.

I was going to read this until I heard you were a Jets fan. I mean, I was onboard with you being the Hope Slayer, killing off Mass Effect and waylaying No Man’s Sky, but seriously. A Jets fan? Who does that.

Another example of church people being good Christians, bless their hateful little shriveled up hearts.

I’m currently selling my PS4, that I played 3 times on, and will most likely get a Switch.

I hope Square Enix will release more information about project Octopath Traveler. The game is being made by the same team behind the Bravely series.

Comparing them is not pointless. As a matter of fact, it’s the exact opposite of pointless. It’s the living proof that, if you want to sell consoles, you need software.

“In comparison, it took Sony 69 weeks in Japan to hit 1,523,471 units sold.”

I just wish this success would finally start translating to third party game announcements... lets see what happens at tgs..🤞🏽

Make Link great again!


Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

Not servicing an old system is more than Nintendo logic. Sony has done the same thing.

Nothing says “I’m not smug” like calling somebody smug for shopping at a grocery store.

I’ve never understood why we idolize steroid monsters.

I think it’s a stretch to say this was done on purpose. Just my opinion. But Black Twitter is gonna Twitter i guess.

The date the album was going to be released was setup by her label, mainly due to other album release, specifically on Fridays.

Who keeps track of the day that someone else’s mother died?

They could at least localize that Seiken collection on the Switch.

They’re putting this on the Vita but not the Switch? This is why I don’t like you Square Enix.

I think they’re trying to have it both ways - showing a small token of support, but not going “all-in” in order to protect their asses.