
Bothered by facts?

It’s funny because Germany were the bad guys like 50 years ago, and now they’re leading the way in how you should act as a civilization. They’ve come a long way compared to other countries.

Someone’s gotta put the pants on and get the job done.

One can’t help but wonder if it’s really true at this point though.

And now for a ridiculously dumb story that you shouldn’t bother reading:

Seems the Park Service found a photo that proves otherwise.

They did not make a better remake... they made a fan remake that rightly got shut down.

What are these people smoking that are saying that AM2R looks better than this new one? I appreciate the retro-aesthetic as much as the next guy, but I think Samus Returns looks fantastic. (Oh, and a bit of advice to whomever wants to spend 6 years recreating a Nintendo game without their permission - don’t do it -

They’d have shut it down anyway.

What’s less noticeable than kneeling? Sitting?

Yes. He was protesting respectfully, and then went out of his way to find an even more respectful way to protest. He was very classy about the whole thing. I think that’s one of the reasons so many people are confused and don’t know how to properly react, so they just go with ignorant hatred. It’s a very popular

Didn’t he only start kneeling after people noticed and said his sitting was disrespectful so he asked some veterans what he could do and they suggested kneeling? I thought I read that at some point.

Exactly. The idea that someone sitting quietly—SITTING QUIETLY—is trying to draw attention to themselves has always struck me as supremely silly.

Originally, he just sat during the anthem and no one noticed.

Originally, he just sat during the anthem and no one noticed. Not drawing attention to himself in kinda the way that all his critics insisted was the only way to protest.

Nintendo can work, give money, dev support, whatever to third parties, but it’s up to third parties to deliver and decide. Nintendo can’t mandate that third parties must develop XXX number of games, all they can do is the above.

From the moment I saw the Inkling Girl’s animation I was expecting Nintendo to patch it out. I was actually genuinely surprised that made it through quality control. It’s a pretty common gesture for “up yours” in the United States too.

right, the hand flat on the bicep is the key, her hand is up and is rolling up her sleeve.

She’s rolling up her sleeve.