
It’s not my fault you forgot to use the sarcasm font.

It couldn’t do anything a decent chef’s knife could do better.

Caring about whether someone else thinks you’re a pleb is a mark of immaturity.

Had one for about a year, actually. Thanks for playing.

Grow up: Stop spending money on low-quality status symbols to impress people you don’t know or like, and buy a fucking Honda/Toyota like a normal person.

The more I look at that car, the more I like it. And I started out liking it.

Can’t do it. This song makes me want to drive fast. Bad for traffic. Great for canyons, though.

Sod the rozzers.

Absolutely. I’d sell it before something breaks and put the money toward something I want.

Jeff Jones, you say?

Alfa Romeo (and Jaguar) was what BMW is before BMW became what it is. It’s only appropriate that Alfa comes back to retake its rightful place.

I grew to like the old TGUS, and kinda miss that show. I would be willing to give this new iteration a chance if it were still on the History Channel, but my cable package doesn’t include BBC America, and I don’t feel like shelling out for an upgrade. Too bad.

I’m always red.

As a Mopar fan, I hear what you’re saying about Chrysler. They could certainly stand to be a lot better.

I wanna drop an LS7 with a hot cam and a Harrup ITB setup in my Miata someday. Just for shiggles.

I’m imagining myself dumping a couple gallons of gasoline into the open interior of one, then tossing in a lit road flare and walking away.

A heavier, vastly less reliable car with an inferior strut-based front and Z-axle rear suspension?

The Nazi past is a bit disturbing, but the real dealbreaker is its association with that scumfuck.

Damnit, I was hoping this was an article, not a link to a video I won’t sit through.