
They don’t like pro-choice women. They don’t like pro-choice men. They like pro-life women. They like pro-life men. Can I make this any more simple? The problem is obviously abortion and not women.

>Look, if a woman hates another woman because the second woman believes she has a right to determine what happens to her own body, then the first woman specifically hates her for being a woman.

I’m not aware of many women today not in favor of the ability of women to vote. The same is not true for the legality of abortion.

You have mistaken me for someone who is pro-life. I’m just pointing out that calling it a “war on women” isn’t really accurate.

Lots of women disagree and I’m not sure how you plan to convince them otherwise by telling them how much they hate women.

So half the women in this country are traitors to their gender? Or maybe these women don’t hate women, but have a different view on when a fetus becomes a person?

I think it makes as much sense as pro-life people saying there is a war on unborn children.

But you’re not offended by the name at all! Oh no! Not one bit! LOL.

I’m the one hairsplitting? The people aren’t yelling at women because they are women, they are yelling because they are getting abortions.

You decided to talk talk to me only to insult me but you’re not offended? Sure, hun.

I’m glad you’ve finally admitted to being offended by my username. Are you gonna be okay?

Maybe your argument sucks?

Give up. You said something dumb and when called out on it you resorted to insults. Be smarter next time.

I don’t see how you can call it a war on women when half the people in favor of said “war” are women.

Trump wasn’t mentioned in this article.


This article has nothing to do with Trump.

I believe that hatred is a result of receiving an abortion and not because of the fact that those receiving abortions are women.

You refuse to see it from their point of view. They don’t think they are “attacking other women” but believe they are protecting an unborn child.

You have yet to prove to me that black Republicans think blacks shouldn’t be allowed to vote or should sit in the back of buses.