Colored Francie

unfortunately dudley did wrong taking that role

There’s still the matter of “Doctor on advice show hears obvious cry for help, responds with probably useless factoids and weird pseudoscience about pheremones.”

The fact that it started when they were young really makes me wonder who was older, what the power dynamic was like and if this is all tied up in childhood trauma.

Being scientifically correct isn’t the issue. A man is being sexually abused and manipulated by his cousin, and he wrote in begging for help, which Oz promptly ignored.

He’s not wrong biologically speaking, which is why 2nd cousins can legally marry in all 50 states. At that level, problematic recessive traits getting excessively reinforced typically only become a problem over several generations in a small population (a very small town, or perhaps early-modern European royalty)

In fairness, so did Oz.

It’s funny.  When he first announced this run, I genuinely feared that his celebrity would give him the win.  Then he campaigned.

Right. Everything that surrounds the job of acting kills the spontaneity. There is a script with the words you are supposed to say and even the actions you are supposed to do, a director telling you how you are supposed to feel, a bunch of people standing around doing work, the house you are in is like a fifth of a

My impression was that he was defending a style or philosophy of acting that maintains that the actor must perform true actions. So, if a scene or a beat is about, say, seducing, or expressing a desire to dominate or submit, or some other clear value, the actors need room in the scene to align their action choices with

Would Sean Bean be comfortable with someone being spontaneous during a fight scene? Especially a fight scene he was going to lose? My guess is no.  And that is why you do not have spontaneous sex scenes either! 

But even in porn, there are tricks. Such as enemas before shooting anal scenes. Ever wonder why there’s generally no poop involved? I’m sure there are other examples the participants do to be able to endure parts of the performance or make it look easier, less painful, etc. 

So do ICs ruin the process of filming these scenes more than, I don’t know, actors feeling uncomfortable and being sexually assaulted by an industry that just decided to sometimes do something about it? Don’t think I’ve ever heard Mr Always Dies ever say anything about the latter prior to MeToo

It took a mere 50 years after Marlon Brando spontaneously raped someone during a sex scene for the film industry to say maybe we should consider doing the bare minimum to protect actors and make them feel safe on set.

Even when I was a teen and fairly easily tantalized by most depictions of sex in movies, it never occurred to me that these scenes were spontaneous or improvised. Even at like 14-15, I assumed what I was seeing on screen was as choreographed,staged, and rehearsed as fight scenes and dances, if only as a matter of

Tell it to Maria Schneider ya tool. 

Fucking Boromir. 

You know what would be awesome?!? If a Jez writer would interview casting directors to discuss their process when it comes to casting PoC, specifically Black women.

I thought the same.  This is top notch product placement and I somehow don't remotely care.  Brilliant. 

LOL, Jimmy is such a scumbag. All that just to steal a couple of suits and some clothes. I get the feeling the only reason he did it was because he’s bored.

I tried to point out how colorism is still very true in Hollywood (Disney) and the world. For example MsMarvel. The bad guy (Najma) was much darker skinned while hero was light skinned (Aisha). I am a person of color so, I was very happy that MsMarvel exists but I was shocked to see them play on this colorism. In East