
Sorry - but since your post isn’t in German, i have a hard time thinking much of it.

People in the US who support particular politicians are beaten, and rioting and destroying property of those who support the particular politician is encouraged by the press. Those who have been beaten are told by the press that “they had it coming”.

And if you smart, hip, and virtuous Bernie supporters would please just stay on the coasts with all the people who are smarter than us in flyover country, we’d really appreciate it.

Only 1376 to go to get to Rotherham... and so far, they’ve thrown the book at two women and 4 men in that situation...

I think i understand now...

I didn’t know “bitchen” was the new word for sexual assault.

In the US:

There are plenty of socialist/communist countries out there - which they claim to love - but never seem to emigrate to. This, despite their emigration policies being very open and welcoming.

Uh.. yes. Socialist Commie bad. Socialist communism is like “Hitler isn’t in the same league of bad” bad.

This is like asking “what the rightest answer to 2+2=?”

Pretty sure that was the point of this San Francisco Democrat.

I’m done. You’re changing the discussion to private companies and who they choose to sell things to (where, again, you’re wrong), and you have *yet* to answer:

And you’ve continued to not show me where these laws are restricting my right to buy cell phones and computers... mostly because there are none.


along those lines - is there anything someone in the US can buy in your world that *isn’t* a privilege

You just could not be more wrong - you’re asking me to prove a negative that doesn’t exist.

You say that like she doesn’t realize that....

On what planet or what country is it a “privilege” to buy a cell phone? Certainly not the US on Earth.