
Samer Kalaf... Kurt Shilling...

Thanks. I was wondering when Gizmodo would become unreadable and i would remove it from my favorites bar.

Well, the number of variables that go into modeling this problem are far far far far (*breath*) far far far fewer than modeling the earth’s climate...

He’d be right?

I don’t believe that this chart is accurate. It can’t be.


I don’t think there’s any job where you can punch your co-workers and get to keep working.

until you’ve worked for months away from home with a small team in sometimes very harsh conditions - every time you say “you can’t punch a co-worker”, all folks like us hear is:

LR4 is George Bush for Discovery 4.

I’m buying a 2016 Disco 4 as we speak, to park it next to the last black 2014 WRX wagon sold in Colorado in my garage.

People in the US who support particular politicians are beaten, and rioting and destroying property of those who support the particular politician is encouraged by the press. Those who have been beaten are told by the press that “they had it coming”.

Only 1376 to go to get to Rotherham... and so far, they’ve thrown the book at two women and 4 men in that situation...

I think i understand now...

I didn’t know “bitchen” was the new word for sexual assault.

There are plenty of socialist/communist countries out there - which they claim to love - but never seem to emigrate to. This, despite their emigration policies being very open and welcoming.

Uh.. yes. Socialist Commie bad. Socialist communism is like “Hitler isn’t in the same league of bad” bad.

This is like asking “what the rightest answer to 2+2=?”