Make sure you polish up your knowledge of the UK second hand car market, and which insurance companies are offering the best rates.
Make sure you polish up your knowledge of the UK second hand car market, and which insurance companies are offering the best rates.
If the Cavalier and Grand Am make the list, there simply must be room for the Corsica, or its L-body stablemate, the Beretta. I’d list all the reasons these cars were complete and total crap, but the most telling reason is it’s successor, the N-body Malibu, was a considerable upgrade from these rolling boxes of misery.
I’ve had 2 (‘97 and ‘02) and neither suffered from any of the problems you list, or any other major problems. My dad ended up with the ‘97, and it has about 205k miles with the only repairs outside of standard wear and tear being the heater blower motor, and the slave cylinder. The ‘02 needed a transfer case seal…
The instrumentation in my Fusion has the two configurable screens flanking the speedo, which are able to provide ridiculous amounts of information, and yet I can’t pull up a voltmeter, boost gauge, or oil pressure gauge. An altimeter would be nice too.
Colorado has three tiers of these license plates, with varying restrictions on vehicle usage and cost. Interestingly, the Collector Vehicle plates can be used for whatever driving you want, so long as it doesn’t exceed 4,500 miles per year, and the Horseless Carriage plates allow for “occasional leisure drives,” which…
That seems a little too Gen X. More like #sports #outdoors #excitement
Crosscountry does not necessarily mean east-west. If you want to go north-south along one route that maintains a rural feel for its entirety, then you gotta go US 83 - The Road to Nowhere. No 4-lane interstate, no metropolitan areas, just miles and miles of rolling grasslands and expanses of wide open country. It’s an…
Yes, a million times yes. Ford has obviously taken the lead in turn-signal technology, but GM could respond with a haymaker of their own with a hood tach for the next Camaro. Also, we need more hood lettering.
My thoughts exactly. With turbocharging, displacement is not as important, so just tie the names to output. So our lineup would be 318i, 325i, 333i, 318d, and 325e.
Back in college I worked at the local BMW dealer as a porter for both the sales and service departments, doing pretty much any random task the managers needed. Lady came in at closing time on a Friday to pick up her out-of-warranty 3-series that had been in for some work. It being a BMW the bill was fairly steep and…