
Screamer/deadspin really needs someone who understands soccer to write about it. BH is about as useful as Bornstein was at LB. The MLS bashing is a bit unwarranted. Esp since plenty of the players have proven capable in Europe. Jozy’s EPL attempts not withstanding.

I clicked on the gif

KC to DR? On a bus? Long ride gets longer at the end of FL.

Ah the classic case of grow tall fast, get paid soon.

So 3 races a day. The third winner gets bonus points.

By the time the party stopped, it was 1970.

Wait, there is an election? Who’s running?

Moody eh Pop?

I thought it was where all the stuff you really didn’t want to clean out of an oven went to be thrown out at a later date by a cleaner tenant.

Main thing to do on the first day is take it all in. Scratch your nuts and smoke a cigar. Its a get comfy day. Let it be known that if I am ever President I will devote my time to jerking off in the Lincoln room and nothing more.

Best stinger is colorful stinger

There is All Star team worth of weed suspensions sitting out the last decade.

Click that link for popups galore.

You can only trade picks so far out. I believe its just a good faith few years after the current CBA runs out or some such clause of the averages of the last 3 CHAs.

They don’t have to pay a rookie drafted now, which helps with said cap situation.

You know, because of the fans. You know.

The Impact have been doing quite well. That last playoff game against Toronto was outstanding.

STL is a soccer hotbed going back decades.

So no help for no types of businesses then?

Homecoming week. Rotten eggs off the over pass. First one connected with a windshield sent us scattering like a bunch of high school pricks.