
Kids that age aren't rehearsed I assure you. It's about the most spontaneous age there is

Left Libertarianism is basically Anarchism, which has a long and (if you're a leftist) a respectable pedigree. Interestingly in most other countries Libertarian and Anarchist are synonyms, especially Spain.

A comment from the future… this film is still shite ten years later.

One of Atia's best lines…

Thankfully short-lived…

Umm the 70's had disco, the sexual revolution, awesome films and a healthy skepticism about Murica so it's streets ahead of the 80's and probably the 90's.

Didn't look nearly as dated as I thought it would, but maybe that's because I was in high school at the time, ugh. I assure you if you weren't alive in 1986 you didn't miss very much.

Quite happy to see Carillo get iced. Cops in Colombia, especially at the time, tended to be murderous right wing maniacs. As bad as the outlaws get you can always count on the state to be worse. This was true all over Latin America in the 70's and 80's as the USA fought it's little anti-communist proxy war and there

Yeah it was fantastic.

Not covering it was IMO their most egregious omission since HBO's Rome.

It was a Sten MK II and incredibly simple and reliable 99% of the time.

I'm with you but no way that's considered pop culture.

Can you tell me this week's winning lotto numbers?

This never would have happened 20 years ago, Turkey being the most aggressively secular Muslim country in the world. This is all that piece of shit Erdogan…