David the Dastardly

For some reason I don’t feel like a small guy watching me poop would be any more comforting.

Speaking of napalm based flamethrowers, I will always have fond memories of the flamethrower from Killzone 2. It just feels so satisfying burning down everyone and everything in my path.

Pretty damn good game. The boost in players that PS+ will bring is definitely an incentive for me to start playing again.

Damn it you beat me to it!

Yeah... Too bad you can't even get on the website to cancel your subscription. Not that I'd cancel because of some script kiddies or because of what Crunchyroll use to be. I'd much rather support the studios that create the content that I enjoy instead of stealing it. Which I'm pretty sure is the same reason

Maybe I should get around to playing Origins now... After I finish Valkyria that is.

Being one of those people who never got around to playing this, I'm pretty psyched for the launch on PC. Now all I have to do is actually play it instead of letting it sit on the backlog of shame.

Thank god Crunchyroll is getting the uncensored version sometime in the future.

The only times that I leave are when I see somebody with a Vex Mythoclast. I don't feel like getting murdered before I get a chance to blink every time I spawn.

The only times that I leave are when I see somebody with a Vex Mythoclast. I don't feel like getting murdered before I get a chance to blink every time I spawn.

I think it's one of the psychos from The Evil Wtihin.

I may or may not have squealed like a little girl while watching a trailer for a game that will most likely never be released in the US. Still, it was worth it just to watch "The Palm Top Tiger" beat the tar out of Shuzuo.

I think that P1-P2 are animes in Persona 3 and 4. The social link for The Hermit makes a reference to them as something like that.

I just started on the series earlier this week with Persona 3 and I would recommend it. I haven't enjoyed a game this much in a long time. I keep losing track of time while playing it and end up staying up until 6 am on most nights now.


Just a heads-up everybody, Funimation has the bluray for Cowboy Bebop on sale for 65$!

I recently discovered the Persona series earlier this week and I've been playing P3FES non-stop for the past 4 days.

This looks awesome. Too bad I'm terrible at Dark Souls, it's too damn painful for me to play. I got stuck on only the second boss after trying about 30 times to kill it.

I still have tons of fun playing Company of Heroes 2 with my friends.