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    this makes me think, jimmy said he and chuck are the only mcgills left and now that chuck is probably gone, he obviously is the only one left. what happens to him that turns him into saul, but more importantly, what makes him give up his mcgill name when he's the last mcgill standing?

    what about kim? if she already felt like shit after mesa verde and the bar hearing, imagine what this will do to her

    i wonder how chuck's possible suicide is going to play out for howard, i mean, he will feel guilty as hell, thinking he pushed him to that decision.

    he actually said those three million were part of his own and the other part bank loans he got

    Chuck burning his house down was foreshadowed in the episode about the hearing at the bar, when Jimmy actually used that photo mike took with the gas lantern on top of the newspapers against Chuck, to show his recklessness.

    i've been thinking about those fake pills nacho put in tio's coat and seemed to have no effect on him; what if gus somehow knew about nacho's ruse and ordered to restore tio's real medication? don´t you feel odd that mike, being aware of gus' plans of keeping hector alive for the time being, didn't even talk nacho

    i highly recommend you to watch BB. is one hell of a ride. as for lydia, she's reliable as long as she feels safe, otherwise she turns into a walking time bomb and everyone around is in clear and present danger.

    i think that this episode showed that it's not about rooting for the show's characters or hating them for their actions, it´s about realizing how complicated is to be human. i have sympathized with all characters as much as i hated some things they've done and that comes from breaking bad as well. the most prominent

    the last opening has me intrigued, though: what if jimmy's "gene" cover gets blown? he fainted at the cinnabon in front of his co-workers, which could derive in them calling an ambulance and if he gets taken to a hospital, what if someone goes like "hey, you're that dude from the billboards"?

    gotta love the parallelisms with walter white: both walter and jimmy starts manipulating others out of pure suvival, when they have no other choice but, eventually, they start doing it like it was nothing, totally casually. it's sad when you know the place jimmy is going… i really hope for jimmy to get some redemption

    on point. howard is just a casualty of the war between the McGills

    you know who used to cook dinner (fish, especially) in complete calm and silence? gus fring, lol.

    i don´t believe that's the case; jimmy made sure to establish that his "confession" was a lie to make his ill brother feel better about himself and returned to work at HHM. the battery stunt was for making his lie appear the truth, since it made chuck lose his mind and practically prove that he was just a guy who

    this was indeed a brilliant episode. by the way, did anyone caught that moment at the intro, when chuck lies to rebecca about the real reason of his home being dark, that chuck lied in the exact same manner in which walter would´ve lied to skyler? the wording, the delivery, the over explanations so there were no loose