Col. Mustard

Please, delete this before the folks at Disney see it.

Same here. I was surprised by some of the dodgy effects during the opening scene. Namely, Thor's utter weightlessness was straight out 2002's Spider-Man.

But, but… A League of Their Own! Desperately Seeking Susan! Okay, I tried. 2001 me would be proud.

The correct term is feminazi. Get with the program, brah.

Sexist guys suck, science says.

I used to babysit for my parents' friends for pizza and TV, thus creating two of my lifelong obsessions at a still tender age.

She signed on to directed another YA adaptation a couple months ago (Letters from the Dead, I believe) Get that sweet allowance money, Catherine!

Isn't he mocking all of us?


Great read. I hope this film is available to watch around these parts eventually as I've loved Ganik's previous films.

Noel Gallagher is not happy.

I often wonder if 1) assholes truly know they're assholes and 2) isn't it exhausting to only have negative things to say? Also, I rarely buy music on release day anymore, but it does make a ton of sense to move it to Fridays.

Sir, it's not nice to reveal my sexual quirks like that. I can do it myself.

I wouldn't mind scoring this Danny Zuko too. Get it? That means I want to fuck him.

I won't stand for this Hail, Hero! slight.

Mr. Singer prefers to call them pool parties, thank you very much.

I used to go to the movies at least once a week but I've become weary of the whole experience, partially because I'm poor and partially because most people are complete assholes who talk loudly and constantly and cannot go two hours without checking their phones multiple times. I started avoiding big event movies

Good Job, Helen Lovejoy!

The sanctimonious tone of this show always made me extremely angry. Vinnie being much cuter than Blossom also made me angry.

It's cultural appropriation, apparently.