Col. Mustard

I see why some people could find it troubling, but I still think they're missing the forest for the trees. Either way, I was just refering to her speech and how some people assumed the 'us' part was advocating for equal pay for white women only, which I find ludricous and reductive.

Guillermo del Toro should start preparing his Best Director speech for next year.

So, she should've said straight people and men of color, then? Methinks we're grasping at straws.

Thank you so much for writing this. That's exactly my problem with his last couple of films. They made me feel uneasy for some reason.

Apparently Twitter is very angry because she didn't specifically mention women of color in her speech so when she demanded equal pay 'for us' they claim she meant white women. Yes, my eyes hurt from rolling.

He was in an episode of Hawaii Five-0 and has two movies coming out this year. He was also supposed to be on Apatow and Schumer's Trainwreck but I guess his role was cut/recast.


I'm legitimately sad about this.

Abbi and Ilana.

They had one last year (John Milhiser) and fired him.

Did someone say scrawny weak gay guy?

I don't even like him but you have Taylor Kitsch in a loincloth and you chose to focus on his FOREHEAD. Priorities, people.

As a pretty socially anxious person I'd be a lot more self-concious if I were covering my face with a fucking Victorian widow veil but hey, to each their own, etc.

Her death in ER seriously scarred 13 year-old me. That episode was intense. I also fucking loved that TV movie where Mary Steenburgen plays her mentally-challenged mother.

You need to see, at the very least, Junebug.

Can we start guessing the fate of the cast come next season?

Cecily's character work blows Vanessa's out of the water, though.

By the time they got to Aidy's Christina Gutierrez stand-in I was howling with laughter. You can tell they've been workshopping this bit for a while. This female cast is really amazing.

Your username is everything.

Oh my god, whomever said the show wasn't as quotable as Veep a few weeks ago needs to see this episode. I know I sound like a broken record repeating the same week after week, but Kudrow needs and deserves all the praise and awards in the world for this season.