
Oh, no, this cannot be! For all of these fellows keep telling me that they are ALL ABOUT Free Speech! They LOVE free speech! They tell me all about how much they love it, and for them to say that even telling a woman how to get an abortion would be a criminal offense, why... that would fly in the face of their

Is it as scary as your defeatism is depressing?

Yeah, I’m super-confused by the inference that he was ever “hot”.  He played an 80's asshole creep.  He was never “hot” so this phrasing is both dumb AND confusing.

So what/who are you actually arguing for in this piece?

The most damning thing is that the Texas power grid failed when it got too cold, and then once again failed when it got too warm.  The “once in a lifetime” events are happening back to back, and yet it still might not be enough to overcome the gerrymandering and political fuckery that pretty much codifies

Uuuhhhhh - I think you’re putting the Hearse before the Horse, here.  They DON’T have the majority, either politically or socially.  They are TRYING to force it, but don’t concede before any battle has even begun.  Otherwise, you might as well be on the opposing side, because you sure aren’t helping anyone else fight

Truly, the only right and just action to have taken would have been to not sign the NDA, not taken $250,000 and then subjected herself to the inevitable lifetime of harassment and verbal abuse from the army of deluded stans that Musk collects like Pokemon whilst still being shitcanned by the guy who sexually harassed


You are correct - there is no “brandishing” law in WI. However:

I think Rittenhouse should have been convicted of Felony Murder. He had a gun that he should not have had in the first place. He brought it with him in order to go to an event he should not have attended (if the people are arguing that it was a riot, then even if his attendance was as a counter to what the people

He’s arguing with you because... you aren’t on his side?

Is there any way you can turn this quick, concise, and accurate summation into a listicle with no less than five slides? We’re hurting for more content, and we really need to “drive engagement” so if you can say anything controversial or willfully obtuse and/or inaccurate, that would be a real plus!  We will gladly

There’s no Switch without a Game Boy Micro.


Replying to myself to not pull the dummy out of the greys:

Great, now you got me missing all those stupid flash games.

That video is SO long, but SO ABSOLUTELY WORTH THE TIME.

To-may-to, to-mah-to.

Yes, never miss an opportunity to try to dunk on someone for making a joke comment on honorific titles! Truly, only people who have ever played (and let’s be honest here - truly lived in the Pac-World!) would understand that only married people can kiss or have babies. That’s just science man!