
Gimme just a moment, here....

GodDAMN, someone tell Ricky Schroder that really, while we can appreciate the dedication to method acting: We really do NOT need yet another entitled white inherited-a-fortune dipshit out there being a prick. It’s time to retire the spoiled asshole role to the great race car bed in the sky.

Kurt - feel free to take your own advice and shut the fuck up.

I am disappointed in how far I had to scroll down to find this. I was ready to post the damned link myself.

We set up a “Q Drop” that gets them all to congregate in Mar-A-Lago. Once they’ve all arrived, we finally do what Trump campaigned on: We BUILD. THAT. WALL.

Prepare for angry hotep’s to flood twitter with stupidity

Jordan was done before Miles was even BORN, so you can’t tell me that ONE iconic shoe brand is a “museum exhibit” while the other is a “cultural touchstone.” Hell, Miles’ DAD was probably the kid that gave us “WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOSE!” delivered directly to Michael Jordan himself.

Jesus Tapdancing Christ. I’m less concerned about whether or not these Karens are clapping on 1 & 3 or 2s and 4s - I’m horrified by the psychopath running the “crowd camera.”

My birthday’s tomorrow. I will be eating my husband’s delicious patty melt casserole, having a little cake, and watching movies at home. Not going out because there’s a fucking pandemic raging across the world.

And a Federal Pardon is NOT going to help Donnie with his Deutsche Bank issues, either... Dolt45 is now staring down both barrels.

Will someone PLEASE put him out of our misery? Maybe the whole rest of his body could suffer that bruising and then he spontaneously explodes because that fifty pound sack can only contain a hundred pounds of shit for SO LONG.

Totally works, and that is why I explain to all the officers that pull me over, “Oh, no - that open bottle of vodka is just there because I did drive-thru at the McDonald’s and I needed to take a long pull of Russian Courage to kill any of the ‘ronas I might have inhaled.”

Christ a’mighty - I’m so glad that movie previews have made advancements since the early 50's, where apparently it was enough to have a shitty, all-text powerpoint advertisement for your new THREE DIMENSION trick (that also has a movie under it, somewhere... oh, look - there’s the name of it, twice!)

Please see the comment left by FelixYYZ:

Well, come on - he wanted to impress his Black Friend! So he hit up iTunes and typed in the search box, “PLEASE FIND ME SOME RAPS.”

I was scrolling through the feed, saw what looked like a pink/purple armor suit behind what passes for the gun you see “yourself” holding in a first person shooter and kept scrolling. But the white blob in the background stuck out and my brain said to me, “Wait, was that Starscream?”