
Alternatively, people don’t typically get impeached for offending the low information commentariat at Huffpo and Splinter

Or, perhaps, Trump not only didn’t collude with Russia (sharing polling data that’s readily available on CNN isn’t illegal collusion, no matter how much you want it to be), he didn’t HAVE to collude with Russia because he benefited from a generationally bad opponent

Ugh. God. Dammit. You’re really gonna make me stick up for Tucker?

at any point he could have been taken down just on obstruction of justice alone.

Yeah, standard “I’d love to be wrong” caveat here, but I think this is gonna be some Capone’s vault shit

If Mueller can’t tie Trump to criminal activity the fix is in.  

This ain’t gonna work out the way some of y’all think it will.


i stopped having any faith in mueller shortly after he got stone. it’s not that it was getting stone, it was that this has dragged on for 3 years with new “gotcha” moments to take trump down and he was still investigating - now into a third year where he is running for re-election instead of getting sized for a noose

Breaking news: Sources say Barr is expected to announce he thinks the Mueller investigation will be over by next week.

Feelings are incredibly relevant to jury trials, and the furor behind this event in the first place.

It’s a possibly legit grievance with some trolling thrown in for good measure and PR.

They were there for 45 minutes at least. Dude walked up to them, not the other way around.

Yes. Not explicitly to destroy this unknown kid, but fully aware of the likely consequences which is pretty much just as bad. There are countless examples of this kind on sensationalism on both sides of the political spectrum.

I don’t think you can really hold CNN responsible for anti-vaxxers. That’s a bit of a stretch.

Also agreed that Cinderella was pretty fucking good despite their name and their clothes.

Dear Nannerpuss,

Yeah, their looks aren't timeless like today's pastels, American Apparel dresses, and Ray-Bans. We're going to be 22 forever!

You'd better "Look" cause your ears obviously ain't worth a fuck.