
No. The “holdup” is that most Americans want border security and would blow a gasket if the OP’s idiotic idea went through.

You’re assuming that every white forced to come here was an indentured servant. That is not the case. Many white Britons were convicts and were not brought here as indentured servants. They were slave laborers sent her to work as slaves as their sentence. They were literal slaves. As noted in “White Cargo”, many of

Everything you “know” about the subject you pulled from this blog post:

Since “they” were a vast number of separate tribes that were independent of one another (and frequently at war with each other), and not a sovereign nation, treating them as if they were all one big happy group is racist, historically ignorant, and just a stupid thing to write.

I’m not “covering for racism”, though I’m not surprised that’s where you intuitively go on the subject.

Did you ever consider that Trump just says shit to keep stories he likes in the news cycle?  He pumped this thing for about an extra 72 hours by getting Liberals all a-flutter.  He does this all the time and Liberals constantly fall for it.

Well, if you want to repeat that drivel until 2024, go for it.

Just like Splinter.

White slavery “was a thing” and your delusional belief it wasn’t is contradicted by your own favorite Glasgow Scholar, who you apparently knew nothing about either before you cited him.

Sorry, but history is clear and white slavery in the US existed.  Still does.  Get over your victimhood drama.

You, again, didn’t read your own source. The Jacobites weren’t indentured servants unless they signed the indenture, which your own “scholarly review” makes clear many refused to do.

Jim Crow laws and slavery are not synonymous.

No one said, at any time, that slaves and indentured servants were the same, including the authors of the book neither you or the other idiot read.

Calm down, Johnny Badass.  We all know how tough you are.

Yeah, I remember reading in history that Native Americans had an extensive body of law regarding immigration.

The Declaration of Independence is not the Constitution.

You must be new to Splinter/GMG/all these sites. This place has more groupthink than Breitbart. The only reason to come here is to throw rocks in their echo chamber and watch them freak out.

Calm down, son.  If you don’t like secure borders, you can cry about it all day long.  The rest of us do and we’re the ones that get shit done so get used to it.

LMAO - You didn’t even read the entire quote I posted from your favorite author, genius. If you read it, you’ll notice the last line says:

LMAO - You didn’t even read the entire quote I posted from your favorite author, genius. If you read it, you’ll notice the last line says: