
Absolutely not. Drowning is an incredibly painful way to die. The esophagus stays closed for as long as possible until it is forced open as the lungs attempt to get oxygen into the bloodstream. You know how badly it burns when you take a drink and it “goes down the wrong pipe”? That’s not even 1/100th as badly as how

What Lauren and Deadspin (and ESPN, who they’re just lifting old information from) are flat-out refusing to tell the whole story on (because it doesn’t fit their agenda) is that Dantonio told the player to tell his mom why he was kicked off the team. But that doesn’t make for good click bait or internet fodder. No

Yeah, newsflash: Dreadlocks have history rooted in cultures in Europe, Africa and Asia. No cultural appropriation is going on here. Move along.

In all fairness, he needed the proper space to check the pressure on his tires. Pity he always forgot his digital gauge.

You should tell us more about what it was like when that person put a gun to your head, forcing you to read the entire article and then demanding you comment on it. But thank god for all of us, you graced us with your displeasure on the piece. We truly are blessed. Thank you.

Phenomenal read, thank you. I got into hockey a bit late and was in high school when I really started watching regularly (only having basic cable with no PASS made it a challenge). First playoff series I really got into was when Osgood put the puck awkwardly off the boards in game 7 vs the Sharks in 94. Some of my

No words. Should have sent a poet.

All these “I can’t believe I see them in (insert northern state here)“ shows just how out of touch many white people are in regard to how deep-seated and widespread racism is in the US. I was seriously chuckling to myself reading responses by people that are genuinely surprised to see the confederate flag flying in

Seeing as how Specialist Morris lost part of one of her legs and doesn’t appear to use a prosthetic, I think it’s more than reasonable to see why an automatic is perfectly acceptable here.