
I went to a Catholic high school in the late aughts. They taught pretty much this whole list, but they had one really special lie: blowjobs are deadly. They tried to convince us that swallowing semen would cause throat cancer.

In the 2000's I learned that if you had sex that your female
privates” were permanently stained on a microscopic level and that your husband or father could bring you to the doctor and have them run tests under a microscope to see how many men you had had sex with.

This was in a Christian middle school.
With that

Yeah, can we talk about this? It kinda feels like we aren’t allowed to mention it. But...

All the more reason to teach kids to use them. If your first time is glove-less, it’s hard to transition. Especially as a hormonal teenager when you’re the biggest hedonist in the world. Why do you think there’s so much teenage pregnancy? It’s not the lack of availability of condoms.

There’s an old joke: What do you call people who use the rhythm method? Parents!

Depends on where you live.  I grew up in Texas, and the sex-ed I got in 1996 was pretty in line with this garbage. 

I wound up having three sex ed classes, one apiece in middle school, high school, and college. My middle school sex ed teacher mainly taught home ec and was entirely underqualified. She spread some really oldschool, shame-y, and sometimes misogynistic info/views about sex (don’t give a guy blue balls, ladies, because

They aren’t useless, but they are also awful. I of course used them as a young single man, but I’ll never forget the first time I was able to experience sex without. It was a night and day difference. I remember after my wife had our first child and I had to go back to them temporarily; It felt like trying to perform

Oohhh I noted the same thing, but mine is still in Pending. 

Hi there! Grammar and writing style cop here....

Technically if the title of the article is “10 Things you learned in sex ed that aren’t actually true” then the titles of each slide should be THE IDEA YOU LEARNED WHICH IS WRONG, not the refutation of the idea, otherwise you are implying that the refutation is wrong.

The math teacher taught sex-ed.

It makes this slide show applicable to Jalopnik.

Who said condoms are useless? Where did this author go to school? 

So the headline for each slide is the thing that’s not true?  Or is this article just oddly laid out?

The legacy of the Puritans lives on in 2022. I personally think the average German view of sex, in a social context, is a much more realistic model than what we get from the American mainstream. We’ve got people who are recommending abstinance to teens with a straight face. Like, they are actually serious.

They sponsored the lessons.

Maybe to teach eager teenage boys that when the time comes just “ramming” it in there is not a good strategy?

Why is there a Dodge Ram logo on the blackboard in the opening slide?

Seems to be a disconnect between main title and slide titles.