
I hope the reception involves them opening one gift, followed by the opening of a vastly better version of the same gift immediately afterwards.

Very very exciting!! He is a great actor because of what you said, gesture. He doesn’t need to talk or move much to express intensity. He was a dancer before coming out as an actor, so gesture is there, in his blood. I miss Hannibal dearly, and this seems like he’s coming back (kinda). And no need of a few beers... ;)

Thank god for indie games

I bought a burger the other day, and I only got to eat it once. :(

I always trust my local dogfighter when he says his dogs are all looked after in luxury hotels.

It’s coming to Xbox One. Not sure about PS4

August and October: the months I eat only ramen and don’t leave the house for days.

“Nobody knows what to do with this finger you can pick up”

You know, if you really like a Nintendo-related fan project, don’t post it on Kotaku, because that’s like a hotline to Nintendo’s lawyers ready to push the shutdown button.

I dig Pewdiepie. I have never seen a single “let’s play” of his. I don’t get it. However, i have seen a vlog of his, and i saw that video of him talking about his income - and of course these interviews (the one on Colbert too) - i like him. His content might not be for me, but man he seems so down to earth, and his

I like it. But you know what I would like more? A new Okami game.