Easy answer, create a ketchup based vaccine. Jim Carrey will gladly let you know.
I have one rule about messy kids in my restaurant: if the parents offer to clean it up, I wouldn’t dream of letting them; if the parents assume it’s the staff’s job to clean up after them, I lean the spot sweep on the edge of their table when they ask for the bill.
I wouldn’t normally think my perspective on this is that worth sharing, but you specifically asked for opinions, so here you go.
Geez Lousise. Of course it is important to ask for children’s opinions and to listen with interest to their answers. It is also important not to ask them irrelevant questions at a time when their answers may derail instruction, like when you are about to read them a book or begin a lesson. That is what my coach was…
Both parties needed to notify the court to seal the records. Cosby’s lawyers did but Constand’s didn’t leaving the records open. It was a violation of the agreement. How severe? Usually confidentiality agreements have clauses to say what happens if information gets out. Usually steep fines and sometimes it voids the…
Yeah, there’s a lot of complex reasons why people break their marital vows. One of the least complex/most selfish is ‘because s/he’s a fucking asshole who wanted the stability of a marriage with the excitement of an affair.”
I don’t think the book is problematic. I think it is a very smart book written about problematic characters who live in a problematic culture- but I don’t think the book itself is problematic. I think it is sometimes misread, but I think more generally what has happened is that most people think they remember the book…
THIS. So much. I wondered if I was the only person who actually read TKAMB to begin with, because it’s right there in the text.
Can I also petition for Elevensies a la The Hobbit?
But the mom wasn’t “watching” them. She was on a job interview. She was answering questions and engaging with her interviewer—and did a good enough job of it that her interviewer didn’t realize she had children with her. (She also wasn’t watching closely enough that she saw the cops approach her children until she…
Tony’s letter, distilled:
Here’s something rude that you should absolutely know: No one wants to watch your fucking wedding video. Not your…
I’d almost call it a “Southern Gothic”. A reporter with a troubled past comes out of a psychiatric hospital and is assigned to follow the story of two murdered girls back in her hometown. It puts her back under her mother’s roof where she reluctantly replays the drama that led to her breakdown. It’s hard to describe…