
A right wing nutter on my Facebook feed posted something earlier today about a girl on a talk show saying she was a virgin pregnant with a baby Jesus. Funny thing though, the nutter scoffed at the idea as if virgin birth of a messiah was a ridiculous concept. Even they don’t really, deep down, believe their own

I have been contemplating planting a poison garden for a long time now. Maybe now is the time to do it, starting with a huge patch of pennyroyal.


I believe that 45's relationship with Putin is aspirational.

I watched it (again) today. I love it when I watch something and it surprises me in a good way.

I would reread 1984 but I prefer fiction.

Basically, it is a large baked potato topped with your normal baked potato toppings but with a big mound of chopped beef brisket in sauce on the top. The key is slow, smoker cooking beef brisket, trim the brisket of fat (the fat trimmings are prized for snacking), chop fairly fine and toss in dad’s home made barbecue

I had a nice visit with my (basically adopted) family where we did a trial run of barbecue baked potatoes that we will be making for a fundraiser in a couple months. They were ridiculously delicious! So much so that now that I am at home contemplating dinner it is kind of sad. I was supposed to be recovering from

And it turns out this was Awol Erizku. This is what comes from not crediting artists. Confusion and chaos! Now I have to reexamine this all over again. Ughh.

I agree with that. It does not go remotely far enough. There are many LaChapelle pieces that are extraordinary. This is not one of them.

After further investigation it seems this is David LaChapelle’s work. In that context it does fall in line with his body of work. However, I still don’t like it. It is off balance to me from the viewing position. The angle is off in that it looks like when a photographer is shooting and someone is standing to the

Yeah, I am a photographer and while I primarily shoot cats in cosplay I do portraits as well -including maternity portraits. That photograph is bad. Like, really bad. Call me, Beyoncé, I will make this right for you on behalf of photographers everywhere.

I will absolutely be borrowing that first sentence.

Except most of my ‘fellow citizens’ couldn’t find Syria on a map. They support a ban based on RELIGION.

Hell, I have yet to see Finding Nemo. I barely liked kid movies when I WAS a kid.

It is a damn good thing I scrolled to that whilst in the bath as I had ready access to the toilet for puking.

It sure as hell won’t be used against the jerks that have parked themselves outside Planned Parenthood for decades or the recent type idiots (who, let’s face it, are the same idiots) who protested outside Target.

And wasn’t it mere months ago that Republican ass hats were all up in arms about Obama’s use of executive orders? These people are so hypocritical it hurts. It physically hurts.

Schrodinger’s embryo