
Ah, someone else is expecting Audrey Horne Wheeler to be the person with the cash and the motivation to construct that box to try and bring Cooper back.

What, nothing about his absurdist homemade web series "Patrick Duffy and the Crab?" Granted there were only six episodes, 4 or 5 years ago, but they were pretty special.

If you really want to see something is this mode, here's a deleted piece (assuming the link posts) of another show in this festival a few years ago, "Harold Pinter's DUCK HUNT," from THEATER OF THE ARCADE, mixing great playwrights with classic games. Only makes sense I suppose if you know both Pinter and Duck Hunt,

Or AS THE BAND PLAYED ON, for that matter.

Only Mrs. Palmer technically "survived," but there seem to be pieces of Leland and Laura in the Red Room, so I guess that's what we'll see…

The full details on the set indicate a new feature called "Between Two Worlds," in which Lynch interviews the three members of the Palmer family where they are today — specifically the CHARACTERS. Then the same with the three actors. I'm as excited for this as the deleted FWWM footage.

Except BOB comes into the living room and scares the hell out of everyone.

I believe Gil Cates only changed his credit to Smithee later when the episode was cut for syndication, and quite brutally so.

And credit should really probably go to screenwriter Leigh Brackett, the one who made the decision to change the ending of Chandler's book, and who earlier in her career co-wrote the script for the Bogart/Hawks BIG SLEEP (later, at the end, she co-wrote EMPIRE STRIKES BACK).

"Some dude" being the guy who produced ZIGGY STARDUST, ALADDIN SANE, PINUPS, and engineered THE BEATLES, TRANSFORMER, and ALL THINGS MUST PASS among many others. C'mon, respect for Ken Scott.

"Adapted by Joey-Boy."

Because I'm not sure everyone is understanding each other … I mentioned this in comments to a previous episode.

Except if you're watching the DVD, "Something Different" has actually been replaced by "Happy Birthday" — which is what was there in the original broadcast.  Maybe the only case where a music change due to rights issues actually IMPROVED something on the VHS release.  (and, not to be TOO geeky, but it's not Dick

Except if you're watching the DVD, "Something Different" has actually been replaced by "Happy Birthday" — which is what was there in the original broadcast.  Maybe the only case where a music change due to rights issues actually IMPROVED something on the VHS release.  (and, not to be TOO geeky, but it's not Dick

Really, though mentioned briefly in there, Jerry Goldsmith's score for "The Invaders" should be noted again — one of the best scores for the series, if not maybe THE best.  With Matheson, Heyes, and Moorehead, Goldsmith has to turn in a tour-de-force job here, filling in for all the non-existent dialogue, and he does