
My issue here is that she's not terribly adept at the basics of stand up, which she seems to admit herself up there, and has achieved success through a gimmick.

But here's the thing: I'm a white man, and I thought those comments were kind of "offensive". But who gives a shit? If some stranger on the internet can really make my day worse with broad statements about my race and gender, then I'm probably too sensitive to read anything and should just spend my day napping.

On a new episode of Get Lost!, the stupid podcast where comedians talk about the show Lost, I sit down with Jason Hillman and we talk about "All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues" and "Whatever The Case May Be".

I just want to know how often people come up to him and, with a smug smile, go "This is no movie, there's no Mekhi Phifer!"

Thanks, I appreciate you giving it a shot. I'm trying to balance the sincere Lost talk with dumb jokes, because I want it to be accessible to non Lost fans as well. But I'm probably over thinking it.

Fair point. Did you listen to it? Not being defensive, just curious. I maybe have been pushing the comedy too hard.

I started in Chicago while Cameron was on her way out of the scene. Point is, we've interacted. She's literally one of the best people in the world at appearing cool and making personal connections. It's a strange super power, and one that has served her well.

Can I plug my stupid podcast where myself and other comedians sit down and talk about Lost, and also just use the term "cum gutters" a lot? Probably not. http://www.getlostpod.blogs…

You wanna know what I think? I think that SS spends a lot of time complaining about a general culture-wise oppression at the hands of white cis-male culture. But if she were a white male, she would never have GOTTEN a job at the AV Club, and if she had she would have been fired for poor writing, an abundance of

What the fuck are you talking about? Further details please?

Sherlock Holmes? He's the character from that CBS show, right?

You are as wrong as any human being has ever been about anything. Please, quit now and save yourself the disgrace of having hundreds of angry nerds throw you out a window.

Putting CBB into "the rest" is wrong. This is not an opinion. That episode was, LITERALLY, one of the best things they've ever done. Fuck you and fuck this column. Whoever decided that should be fired. I'm not kidding.