
He was mentioned in the original comment, so.

Bean is obvs the best Sean. Even if you factor in Penn, Astin, Combs, and Young.

O'Neal makes my whole week with shit like this. Hurry up and write a novel or something, man.

That is THE ONLY item in this whole list I'm excited about. Okay, and Doctor Strange, and also Sherlock season 4 even tho I've already seen it.

I wonder about that too. A year ago, my frequent checks of WhatsOnNetflix would very often yield something new to add to my queue — now they hardly EVER do. It's all random "wtf is that and who even cares" shows and documentaries and Assorted Trash they've evidently optioned from CableNetworkYou'veNeverHeardOf. I

I ADORE Noel, but I do agree his weirdness is a better fit on like Big Fat Quiz Of The Year rather than QI, tho I still enjoy him there. Having him on Bake Off is either going to be transcendently fabulously bizarre, or just an absolute train wreck.

I know, man — it's hard for me too. But then I remember what they said about Kagan, and Sotomayor, and Clinton, and … basically every woman ever, and that renews my determination not to Be Gross. :|

He's hardly the only one who ended up being a semi-sentient gobbet of rotting offal after having every advantage. I'd just rather say that he's an ignorant and mean-spirited colonic aftermath than say he's merely *ugly,* which is pretty irrelevant. We wouldn't like him any better if he looked like Idris Elba or Mads

Well that whole "equality" thing works both ways, you know? And I don't feel that taking something that's always been a horrible issue for women and applying to MEN is the right way to level the playing field.

You know what. I don't like it when people do this kind of looks-based tear-down to women, even women who're absolute fucking evil jackasses. So I'm not going to do it to this dude.

I always interpreted the bull as "woo, Wall Street!" I mean, it's…on Wall Street? And it's a bull? When I think of that thing, I don't ponder how, gosh, the American workers and families who were ruined and impoverished by the crash sure were resilient, weren't they? I think of how Wall Street was pretty fucking

I absolutely empathize with the artist. If I'd designed a sculpture (or mural, or any other large-scale public display) for a particular purpose and with a particular message, sure I'd be possibly be irritated if something else were tacked on to the piece's "space" which dramatically changed its import.

I bet if we asked the person in charge of the annual Turkey Pardoning, we'd get a very different answer.

Are those supposed to be writing? I think the top one says "DindlDummA" and the bottom one is "Mmlava Mmmy"?

Yuuuuuge eggs. The best eggs.

Now I'm also torn AND confused. Like a Natalie Imbroglio.

And you can't help but think that top-tier actors would want to "collect all four!" or whatever.

Oh fuck, oops, nevermind…

And maybe that leads to a broader (heh) conversation about how fucking many roles that "traditionally" go to men could just as easily go to women. Just like you don't have to be a hyper-fit ultra-muscular 35-year-old dude to play Hamlet, you also don't have to be one (or even a dude at all) to play an action-hero

Oh my fucking god how have I never seen this before. TYYYY <3