
And my favorite — clicking on a notification to a response takes you to the article, but NOT to the comment, so you have to scroll down but you scroll too fast and suddenly you're on a different article because everything is terrible forever.

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Really and truly. I'd spend a LOT more time on Jez and Gizmodo and io9 if Kinja weren't such a flaming piece of trash.

I honestly DID know this. Sometimes it just takes me a little [embarrassingly long] time? I mean I took HTML classes back in the 90s and EVERYTHING. :(

SECONDED. Or twenty-fourthed, or whatever.

I like Disqus too. In fact I like it so much that when I went to set up my own website, I made sure that my platform/host/etc/etc were compatible with Disqus.

heh. yeah I mean having to use tags is annoying. but not as annoying as kinja. even when I keep forgetting whether STRONG or <bold>BOLD</bold> is the proper one to use.

CONCUR, these are my main beefs : subthreads, too much white space / too much scrolling / "click to load more comments" ad infinitum. Also the fact that Kinja seems to freak out on the reg and only load like 300 comments on an article that has 1000+, and duplicate a bunch of them.


O'Neal you've reached both Peak O'Neal and Peak McSweeney's simultaneously and I'm down with it.

I think they're not forcing people to pay for a full year because they know full well that most of them would fucking balk at that, because HELL NO. If they *really* wanted to be nice and fair and make it easy for people to actually pay for their shows, they'd put episodes up for purchase on iTunes a day or a week

Yeah, that's what I've done for GoT the last couple years. HBO and Hulu are both month-to-month subscriptions, so you can cancel whenever. (For now.)

Honestly that one scene is better than 99% of sitcoms.

The Bourne Loser


Ditto on all counts.

A lot of them totally do — tho I give a pass to Amidala's Chromed Space Stingray, just because it was awesome. Pretty much the only awesome thing in the whole prequel trilogy.

I don't necessarily mind that it looks significantly different, but I DO mind that something supposedly set in the appx time frame of TOS looks like it's four hundred years in the future.

"Also if I compare the experience to an unpleasant [and completely fabricated] encounter with exotic dancers, it'll be like I'm calling her A WHORE without actually saying those words, which is super cool."

That one I've heard of! Amazing. Science makes me so happy.