Seche vite, mon amie. It can be purchased from Walmart. Game changer dry fast top coat.
Seche vite, mon amie. It can be purchased from Walmart. Game changer dry fast top coat.
I did my own nails at around 1:00 on Sunday/Monday.
I think you’re on to something.
Aw shit, I meant to say “modest makeup Instagram.” My actual makeup is rarely modest, but it is real and I’m still my age :D
I have a modest makeup. I rarely use filters because I want to show what it is like to be real and my age. Sometimes, I’ll use a filter for fun or because it looks artsy, and when I do, I always call myself out for it in the caption. Usually the caption goes a little like, “This isn’t fooling anyone, but..”
A friend…
Looking at celebrity close-ups makes me feel better about both my skin AND my makeup skills. Perfection in either is unattainable!
Ugh, totally agree with her, I hated the Kate love triangle. That character had so much more potential.
Personally I like when Jez pretends they’re sick of things they continue to cover ad infinitum
I had no idea Kim was 37 - for some reason I thought she was younger and that kind of helped to explain her useless behavior. She needs to go away now - and take the family (all of them) with her.
I heard she ghosted him.
We had a long talk about how fat wasn’t something you are, but rather just something that everyone has. Some people have more and some people have less. And I tried to talk to her about how she is strong and athletic and how her body does exactly what it’s supposed to.
“I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies,” Moretz wrote.”
Once I found out that he had built a cross in his backyard for Easter, I was done.
I just tried to retweet this comment. I’m gonna go get more coffee...
We had a black president before we had a black photographer shoot a cover image for Vogue. This is insane.
It’s good to keep things particular, especially when one case or one issue is right in front of you, but this idea can be broadened out pretty easily to, Gotta get woke to your own privilege. And privilege comes in so many different areas that that seems like an impossible task lots of the time.
While suggesting mental illness is a bit of a cliched explanation that may be jumped to too frequently, it was definitely the reason for the split within my Dad (he’s thankfully in a much better place now than he used to be thanks to medication. He hasn’t had a violent outburst in 13 years now) and I’d be deeply…
Ever since I read The Pyschopath Test I’ve been playing fast and loose with my diagnoses and I am a jerk for that, ha, but yeah - either way, he’ll never be permitted to figure it out while he’s in that cult.
As a man who has struggled with sexual anxiety and body issues for years I have to say that this is a pretty bad take.
about which I am really trying to muster some freaking empathy.